Manga of the Week

3:30 PM / Posted by Panda /

Time seems to fly pass this week... So fast it is already Mid Week.. and soon Weekend comes...

Monday after work.. went to Borders with Esther to get some English Manga.. but the selection there not much ... but still manged to get a series.. call Ultra Maniac... There is a total of 5 volumes.. I love the story and all.... Now I am so hook on to Manag...

Shy Ayu Tateishi has just made a new friend at school. But this new friend, much to her surprise, is no ordinary classmate. Nina Sakura may look like a normal middle school girl, but she's got a big secret. She's a witch. Or, rather, she's studying to be a witch. And, apparently, she's not doing her homework. Her spells are devastating in their ineffectiveness and often result in the most embarrassing situations for poor Ayu. But things wouldn't be so bad if Nina's sorcery didn't make Ayu look silly in front of the one boy she secretly adores. All she wants is a simple love potion. What she gets, however, is a new best friend who almost flunked out of witch school!

When Yuta, a boy from Nina's home-dimension, enrolls in her earth school, his motivations are suspect even before he secretly gives her best friend Ayu a camera guaranteed to reveal true love. Ayu quickly learns that love is an emotion most fickle, and not even Nina's magic can predict the target of Cupid's pointed arrow!

But being a witch-in-training isn't as easy (or fun) as it seems. In fact, it's sort of a pain in the neck. There are secrets to keep, all kinds of tricky magical stuff to remember and never-ending catastrophes to sidestep. Nina may be sweet, but she's got a lot to learn. Thank goodness one of her schoolteachers is an émigré from the Magic Kingdom. Two witches are better than one, right? Well...maybe not.

Unfortunately, Nina is finding out that going to school on Earth is a lot more complicated than she first thought. Not everybody is glad to have a spunky (and cute) witch flitting about campus. A girl named Sayaka, for example, has recently become obsessed with Nina. A half-witch herself, Sayaka is jealous that her new classmate is stealing all the attention away from her. Like they say in the Magic Kingdom, "There's no fury like that of a teenage witch ignored!"

For as long as she can remember, Nina has wanted to attend the most prestigious learning institute in the Magic Kingdom. And now, finally, she's getting her wish. But going away to school means leaving all her new friends behind. Poor Nina. What will she do? Will she return to the Magic Kingdom or will she stay in Japan with her best friend, Ayu, and Hiroki, the boy who loves her? Growing up is full of difficult choices. It's time for Nina to make the most important decision of her life

Love reading Manga now.. but due to my limitation of Chinese, I can only read English ones.. that means I have very limit titles to read... so can only get Manga when there is sales at Kinokuniya...



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